Joint Committee
The Main Task of the Joint Committee
- Establish a CPI verification system standard that must be used by both Competent Person Implementation Committees on PERHAPI and IAGI.
- Synergize between PERHAPI and IAGI in relation to the enforcement of the Code of Conduct, the KCMI Code and the Competent Person System.
- Implement Socialization of Reporting Code of Exploration Result, Resources and Reserves of Mineral and Coal, and Competent Person System of Indonesia to all stakeholders.
- Responsible for the development, implementation and maintenance of the KCMI Code.
- Review and complement the KCMI Code in accordance with the development of the Mining Industry in Indonesia and International.
- Maintaining relations between institutions (external) and International relations towards RPO (Recognised Professional Organizations).
- Encourage Government policy-making process not limited to PERMEN and other regulations related to Competent Person and KCMI Code.
- Build and establish cooperation with other institutions relevant to the implementation of the Code - KCMI.

Chairman: Lufi Irwan Rachmad

Vice Chairman: Robby Rafianto

Secretary 1: Arif Zardi Dahlius

Secretary 2: Jimmy Gunarso

Members: Muhammad Burhannudinnur

Members: Sumardiman Digdowirogo

Members: Adi Maryono

Members: Sukmandaru Prihatmoko

Members: Yoseph C.A. Swamidharma

Members: STJ Budi Santoso

Members: Alan Matano

Members: Dudy Setyandhaka

Members: Asri Dyah Wijayanti

Members: Zach Casley

Members: Rizal Kasli

Members: Milawarma

Members: Andre Alis

Members: Budy Alfian

Members: Dwi Prasetya

Members: Patar Simbolon

Members: Eko Kurnianto

Members: Ahmad Raymond Trilaksana

Members: Nana Sumarna

Members: Dwi Setyo Nurhayati

Members: Andri B Firmanto

Members: Katisna Ari Perbawa

Members: Yogi Brilliana Gahara

Members: M. Awaluddin

Members: TBA